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Nonna Hall

april-2010-017Nonna Hall is the potter of the month. Her artist's reception will be at the studio on June 12 at 7–9pm.

Artist's Statement
Although I am relatively new to pottery (only two and a half years), I know for certain that it is now a significant part of my existence. It’s like I found a part of me that was missing my whole life.

Every stage of creating something with clay is really exciting for me. First comes the inspiration. I can be inspired by almost anything, pieces in a museum, trinkets in antique stores or at fleamarkets, a scene from a movie, or some images in fabric. Next, I think about my project, drawing on the inspiration but making it mine and mine alone. Finally, the fun part, making the piece.

I love to make functional pieces, but I feel especially uplifted and excited when making teapots and bottles. I also like to think that if one of my pieces lives a functional life, then my work is complete. It might be a very nice piece of decoration in your home, but if you can use it then the piece is alive and happy and brings happiness to you as well!

My new direction with bugs and butterflies was inspired by my coloring books when growing up in Russia, those coloring books with big butterflies that I could make any color I wanted. I fell in love with those creatures! And all these butterflies, ladybugs, and other beetles are so summery that I wanted to share this part of my memory and my summer mood with anybody who will welcome it.